Taylor, yelling at her single mother,shows no respect for everything her mom does for her. After 6 months of treating her mom bad she is starting to come to the impression that she should treat her mom with respect. Just like Taylor’s mother,at least one time in everybody’s life someone gets treated with disrespect. But I have an opinion that respecting people makes better people and prevents from judging others.
Respect can make someone a better person. For example Maci respects the way her parents taught her right and wrong.This respect can also lead to having her parents trust; if her parents say “be home by 10” if she respected her parents then she would be home by 10.Also she can continue to exercise respect for others because of the practice she has on her parents. When people are respected, they generally tend to be nice to whoever respects them and we all know likeable people are good people.Furthermore Adrian Snyder at white oak high school will never punch a girl because he has respect for us females.I’ve tried punching him before as a joke on april fools day and he wouldn’t punch back.Because of this respect he believes it is wrong to abuse girls in anyway.
Equally important, by respecting others,people shouldn’t be so quick to judge.For example Cayman respects Kaytlynn and doesn’t judge her because her mom killed herself. So Cayman was inspired by Kaytlynn and all she has to go through. Cayman doesn’t think bad about what her because of what her mom did. Similarly everyone can be an inspiration to someone if you respect them because of what they go through in life.
So I’m the end respect is important for a lot of people