You might think I’m just
a 15 year old girl,
with brown hair and
green hazel eyes
whos always busy with school or band
but I know I am much more
not a snake nor a poptart
not a tablet nor a book
A Dandelion,
a bright, delicate Dandelion
fragile yet strong
indescribably amazing
filled with joy spreading its
inspiration to others
its seen all throughout nature
on sidewalks,fields, and roads
its love spreads
from sea to sea
so beautiful
so tender
so sweet
a taraxacum is full of life
bringing excitement
just a 15 year old girl
with brown hair and hazel eyes
Kaytlynn inspires
English 1 Writing portfolio
Expository essay-Respect is everything
Taylor, yelling at her single mother,shows no respect for everything her mom does for her. After 6 months of treating her mom bad she is starting to come to the impression that she should treat her mom with respect. Just like Taylor’s mother,at least one time in everybody’s life someone gets treated with disrespect. But I have an opinion that respecting people makes better people and prevents from judging others.
Respect can make someone a better person. For example Maci respects the way her parents taught her right and wrong.This respect can also lead to having her parents trust; if her parents say “be home by 10” if she respected her parents then she would be home by 10.Also she can continue to exercise respect for others because of the practice she has on her parents. When people are respected, they generally tend to be nice to whoever respects them and we all know likeable people are good people.Furthermore Adrian Snyder at white oak high school will never punch a girl because he has respect for us females.I’ve tried punching him before as a joke on april fools day and he wouldn’t punch back.Because of this respect he believes it is wrong to abuse girls in anyway.
Equally important, by respecting others,people shouldn’t be so quick to judge.For example Cayman respects Kaytlynn and doesn’t judge her because her mom killed herself. So Cayman was inspired by Kaytlynn and all she has to go through. Cayman doesn’t think bad about what her because of what her mom did. Similarly everyone can be an inspiration to someone if you respect them because of what they go through in life.
So I’m the end respect is important for a lot of people
Expository essay- Fear affect your life
How does fear affect your life?
Kate has been afraid to tell her parents that she often sneaks out to see her boyfriend which leads top Kate having the”shakes” and anxiety because of her fear. Weather it be being afraid to admit something or having a fear of spiders, fear can impact how someone lives by making them anxious, or changing how they see the world.
Being anxious can paralyze someone from taking action. For example, Wendy being wrapped up in today’s society,has become anxious and now has a phobia of what people are gonna think of her hashtag photogenic snapchat picture or her tweet.So the outcome of this is that being a part of today’s social media can make you very anxious about what people think about her as you can see.Another example, about feeling anxious is that Sophie, is afraid to tell her teacher that she cheated on the test.But whenever she starts to tell her teacher that she cheated she starts panicking about what the outcome might be.Will her parents find out,will she get sac will it go on her record she doesn’t know so she doesn’t tell.
Fear can also change how you see the world and can leave you with either a positive or negative impact.For example,Maxwell, had just lost the state championship for the White oak roughnecks in basketball for his junior year. He is afraid to show his face again because he didn’t make the last basket that would’ve made them win. So Max is now changing because of this loss by not being afraid and going to face his fear by playing basketball again next year.
So in the end fear can change people in many ways and can have many effects on a person.
Expository essay- Difficult Times
Kaytlynn, a ninth grader at White Oak High School is dealing with a loss of her own, an unexpected situation that causes her to reevaluate what her present and future might look like. Weather it involves a child losing a loved one or some other tragedy, difficult times can have a profound effect on people. Therefore dealing with difficult times can greatly affect someone by causing heartbreak and asking God why but can also teach someone a lesson.
Sometimes difficult times can leave people dizzy with heartbreak and questioning God why he would take a loved one. For example,finding out your mom had just passed away can make you question God.’Why did you take my mom she was my everything!’ As Kaytlynn cried out.She was heart broken that she lost her mom who she told everything to and also her best friend. She didn’t know what she would do without her mom how would she live her high school career who would she come to for advice? So therefore losing someone who is very close or some other difficult times can leave you with a cloud of heartbreak and asking why.
Another difficult time can also teach a life lesson. For example, Stacy had worked at White Oak high school being a counsel to the students for 14 years when she had to quit when an unexpected move occurred. She wondered how she could get adjusted to a whole new batch of students, maybe handle new computer systems, and hassle with getting use to the new schedule . Stacy could choose to cave into to self-doubt, afraid to take the first step in this job move, or she could like the new school better. Therefore, in such difficult times, we all could be affected by having to do something that all people wouldn’t wanna do like move to a new school or job not knowing what’s to come.
So in the end, everybody will feel a loss of a loved one or doubt about a move. But people will overcome the doubt or loss by knowing that people have to be strong.